Saturday, January 28, 2012

1938 - 2012

In 1938 there was a category 4 hurricane striking a town called Waterbury, CT. It was during that hurricane that my mother was born. On January 27, 2012 there was a heavy winter rain falling. It was during that rain that my mother passed away, following a lengthy fight with cancer, at the age of 73. When I was a child, I thought 73 was ancient, but now that I am 51, I have a different point of view! In just 22 years I will be 73, and I am sure I will not think I am old! Perspective is an experience one can only appreciate as it changes! I thank God my mother was a believer, thus now dwells in Heaven! I will see her again someday! God's word promises that end to all who call upon Him for forgiveness, and trust that His sacrifice and blood cleanses us from sin.
Be well friends!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012...A new year...again

Big deal, right? Happens every 365 days, but hey, this could be the one! This could be the year I finally keep that stinkin resolution! This year I resolve to keep my mouth shut more at work. Actually, I should probably practice that no matter where I am. Also, I will try to be a calmer driver, but it's difficult being the ONLY perfect driver in Maine! OK, I let that out of the bag, but it feels good to brag!
Some of you know that mom is fighting cancer. Continued prayer please, and thank you. Mallory is due to pop any day now, adding another girl to the family! Bella Rachel Cain is just waiting for that perfect time that only neonates know. SOON.
Worship time today! We have been unable to join our church family for the past two weeks, and I am grateful we will be meeting today! I sure am missing those precious loved ones!
Still exercising the camera when the opportunity arises! Check out Facebook for new pics. Next December will present great photo ops with the end of the world and all. I will post those pictures as I take them so they can be viewed before we all perish! I wouldn't want anyone to miss them!
What a crazy winter, huh? I think we've had a total accumulation of 6 inches of snow this season! AWESOME! I love it! I'm hoping we've seen it all for this winter, and we'll coast through without another flake! That said, I expect to receive death threats from all those snowmobilers for that remark. To them I can only say, clearly I am praying harder than you are!
Still meeting at the Cockpit Cafe, Sanford Airport, every other Friday for the Acoustic Jam! It's open to the public, come play or listen! Next Jam date is January 20, 2012, at 7:00pm! See ya there!
Till my next post, be well friends!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day 2011 - ALREADY!!

Yikes! The summer is GONE! What the heck happened?? Well, we are heading into the most beautiful time of year! I love the autumn. I love the leaves turning, I love the late campfire smells, I love the crispness of the air, and I love preparing for the impending holiday season!
Catch up: Some of you know my mom has been fighting cancer. She still is, and I am hoping she wins that fight! If you are one who prays, please do so! Appreciated!!
We've got a long weekend ahead of us! Labor Day means 3 days off from work! NICE!! Went to a jam at the Cockpit Cafe last night (awesome time), attending (officiating) a wedding this afternoon, then off to Alfredo's in Wells at 6:30 for a little live music and merriment! Then on Sunday we'll have time with our worship group, a time I always look so forward to! We usually spend 4+ hours together, but the time always passes so quickly! That brings us to Monday, Labor Day. We haven't got anything planned, so I think maybe we'll sit at the mall, on out favorite bench, and just people watch! That's always an entertaining time!!
Enjoy YOUR long weekend too!
Be well friends!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another 30 days has gone!

Wow, has it been a month since my last post!Yikes!So much has happened! We are just about to break into August, and Summer's best! I am hoping it won't be quite as hot as July was! A very dear friend will be getting married this August, and I get to be in the wedding party!! I am thrilled! I have known this young lady since she was 5 years old!! What a journey it has been watching her grow into a wonderful Christian woman. Sometimes I can't really believe so much time has passed!
My own good wife and I recently took a jaunt to Vermont. We stopped at Derby Line to see the library that has the Canadian border marked through it! Then we went to the Von Trapp family lodge, and on to Ben and Jerry's! It was a great time!
After serving in Pratt and Whitney for 27 years, I have applied for a job elsewhere. I won't say what it is just yet, in case I don't get the job. I will keep you in suspense until then!
Group worship in Windham today! Can't wait!! I made pulled pork for our mealtime!
Be well friends!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Time Flies!!

Hey folks!
Been a while, hasn't it? The last post found me returning from Ohio to get Tina on a plane so she could get home due to her brother's death. She has been there since, and will be returning on July 6th. THANK THE GOOD LORD!! I sure do miss her!
Mom's final chemo treatment is also on July 6th. Recently a brain scan was done, and no cancer was detected there! In September she will have neurological testing to find out why she has a balance problem!
Holiday weekend on tap!! Can you believe it is already July?? Anybody out there have BBQ plans? Leave a comment! As for me, I will be having dinner with my son and my father, son's treat!!
Be Well!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life goes on, within you and with out you

"Life goes on, within you and with out you" - John Lennon
Tina and I left for Ohio to visit my brother and his wife and son for a few days. It was a great time indeed! His wife had set up a BBQ for me to meet his other siblings, and his mom, and it went great! Alas, very early Monday morning we got a call that Tina's older brother had passed away. His name is Siong, and he is 58 years old. He had just retired from his gov't job, and was beginning his own business. We don't know when, or where, or how. That is life. I am surely going to miss by dear brother-in-law.
Enjoy your loved ones.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fun Times Comin'!!

Hey! In 6 days Tina and I will be headed to Ohio to visit my li'l brother and his great wife! There will be a BBQ on Saturday!! Friends, family, yummy food, beer, and maybe even tums!! I am looking forward to the 16 hours drive! We'll stop half-way in Angola, NY, for dinner and a snooze, then get to St. Mary's by dinnertime Friday!!
Aunt and Uncle coming today for a few day visit from CT. Always good times!! Looking forward to dinner at Weathervane tonight!!
I finally did a Stand-up routine at the theatre last Friday night! What a rush! I hope to get a chance to do it again!!
Em graduates in just over 3 weeks! Yikes, I can't believe my last one is graduating!
I have news I can't share in open forum just yet, but I am over the moon about it! More to come on that!!
I will blog during our trip!!
See Ya!